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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Countdown Lesson #11

Most of the time we hate rules, because we feel controlled or it seems as though someone is just being a bit too bossy.

But for me this year it has been a great lesson to learn more about rules that protect my ability to be happy, safe and productive. I find that since discovering the best rules for engagement with happy, I am more and more happy all the time. Ironically when I was thinking about writing this as my #11 lesson, two cute photos were posted on facebook that list almost all of my new found rules.

The first photo lists the five rules for

LOVE YOURSELF-this used to be something we were warned against. Self love was thought to be selfish or self serving, but in fact it is the essential rule to being a great student of life. When we are self deprecating, it makes it impossible for others to see love in us or feel love for us.

DO GOOD-paying it forward, volunteering, random acts of kindness, whatever you call it doing good feels good. also helps us appreciate what we have and what we have to give. It is a lesson in humanness that is never to be overlooked. Even if you are down, finding someway to step out of your pain to DO GOOD will help raise you at least three levels of happy.

ALWAYS FORGIVE-I can brag here a bit and tell you the first two rules came easy for me...actually almost natural. But this one, not so much. I have had to work on this for several years, but let me tell you when I got it...I SO GOT IT in a big way. Forgiving self and others, means we move past what ever wrongs we felt and get to the next thing. It teaches so many lessons, but is also allows us to set new boundaries, because we have let go of the drama, which removes those who would use our anger and hurt to keep us engaged. GET it? You should try...its freaking forgive!

HARM NO ONE -Simple...when you have a choice, to strike out in anger, to take what is not yours, that violates any of the other rules....DON'T. that is all.

BE POSITIVE-This can be a bit tricky, but when you can take any situation and find a way to see the good in it...then no bad can ever happen to you. It doesn't change anything that happens in our changes how we see what happens. It's a bit of mind trick, but once you get it, it is life changing.

The next set pretty much explain themselves...

I love them all...and my favorite has to be, what others think of me is none of my business. Or maybe it is ...I don't own all the problems in the world...oh heck, I love the all.

Some rules are for making us happy...and I love all 12 of my not so new rules.

Do you have any that you have added to your life? Can you share them with us?

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