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Monday, July 25, 2011

GOOD!!! is all good!!

Nothing great that happens to you ever takes anything away from me. We are a collective of human doers and when we do good it is good for all. (facebook status 7-15-2011)

Sometimes when being present in one group or another, I notice sometimes that I slip into an old habit. It is allowing that slimey little feeling of envy. I have worked long and hard to be present in each celebration of greatness in this life, whether it is my happy dance, or if I am dancing for you. The laws of the universe say many different things on how the flow of our experience works. One of the hardest laws for some to learn is the law of attraction. While some seem to get a handle on it from birth, others like me take a little more practice to perfect.

What I have come to understand about this universal force is that it takes only the tiniest little shift in belief and practice to see it work. The Law of Attraction says "that" which is likened to itself is drawn. That means if I am working on feeling peace more peace will show up. If I am practicing the art of gratitude more to be grateful for will show up. If I am learning that love is an action that I can decide to make my primary goal, more love shows up. When I seek to be friendly more friends show up. I can write a million and one anecdotes to relate the experiements that I have personally been conducting to prove this right, or I can simply point you to the blogs of 3 years ago.

I can also remind myself that those times when it seemed like nothing in my life "EVER" went right, was because I kept telling the stories of all that went wrong. I can share with you the many times I felt like people I cared about showed little care for me, because I didn't care for myself. I can re-tell all the times I felt like a looser, because I kept believing that all was lost.

I am here to tell you that since the turing of that corner and the fierce determination to make a change my life is not only done a 180, but its also come 180 miles away from that old life. I listen often to friends who are stuck there, and I don't share this to say that your misery is not real. Nor do I want to discount that its hard, horrible and sad. But if I were to do anything for you in your moment of distress it would be to tell you to STOP!! Stop retelling all the stories where you didn't win. Stop sharing how something was unfair, or unjust or even unnerving. STOP! Take a moment to make the tiniest of shifts to another way to see things.

It is often said that it takes 6 weeks to change a habit....I am here to tell you it took me more like six years...but never the less I did it! Now it is more my habit to find the better feeling thought. It is more my habit to play the angels advocate. I am far from perfect, but I am also far from miserable. I know that when those days come and they almost always do, when it seems that everyone's life is going better, that everyone but me seems to be getting what they want, but if you look back to the Law of attraction, that means that you are attracting winners into your life. Not to show you what you didn't win, but rather to share with you the winning. Replacing the habit of envy with a feeling of gratitude to the universe that it is providiing a desire for someone in your energy circle is the most positive step towards you finding those things you want in your life as well.

NOTHING>>>and I mean no thing good that happens for you ever...EVER!!! takes anything away from me!! We are not in a competition. We are all a part of the GOD thing, and he is not punishing us for our mistakes. He has given us the powers and laws. Some will tell us things to distort our understanding, and their lessons are more meant for control. If you find out how amazing, powerful and gifted you are, you may surpass them in your life experience. And you know---I think that would be amazing. To see you win brings winning to my life.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Opportunities for success are sometimes disquised as problems or mistakes....

My week is over, my tired is big, my fun was amazing, my life is good, my friends are my gifts, my kids are my blessings, my status is cool!! Living in this world with the laws you must know that things will go wrong. Success is not avoiding mistakes, it is finding solutions and being grateful for the homework!Facebook status...7-16-2011

Whether it started off as a normal week (last week) or if it was more like "whose week is this anyway?", I manage to get to the end of them and feel somewhat grateful for my ability to make a serious dent in the to-dos and have a little fun too~

My week is over, but not usually in the traditional way, Friday rarely means that I don't still have stuff to do. I read sometimes about those who have weekend get aways, and down time...and I think to myself I really gotta start trying that. Work at this time of year often spills over to my weekend, but the things that I do to create opportunities and participate in fun with our folks, is the greatest kind of work.

My tired is big, because I have been so busy saying yes, that something has to give...and usually its sleep.

My fun was amazing...this is mostly because it seems that no matter what I am doing, I am having fun.

My life is good, actually this is an understatement. My life is wonderful!

My friends.... I am surrounded by generous, loving, supportive, crazy, hillarious, gifted people...... my friends, and even if I happen to be at what others call work, they make that fun too~they are gifts to my life.

My kids are my blessings. No one knows when they make the decision to have kids that it will be the toughest thing they ever do, probably because moms make it look so easy. But I am blessed daily by one or more of my kids. They have grown up to be the most wonderful people, and I am grateful for them every day.

So the last statement actually came out of a conversation that was meant to be someone feeling a bit of self pity. And as they were talking all I could think about was, first how long is my gratitude list, second-how grateful I am to have learned to look for the positive, no matter how well it is hidden. And finally how far I have come past the moments when all I could do was breathe. I know too, that many times when we get stuck in those "failure" moments that it is hard to see that no problem comes without a solution already available. And that learning to be open to all the opporunities in life surely means two things--that we are open to the solutions which makes them easier to see and when we live in the faith that each of those momenst is an opportunity to practice our skills.

I can remember a time when I had a different definition of what success was, and I am not sure whose definition it was, but I also remember that I did not feel like I would ever attain it. But that definition no longer applies. When I learned that each moment could be a celebration of success, fun, happiness, blessings, and even a celebration of getting through it, life not only got better it got made.

We have no way of knowing when the last minute will arrive, but learning to be alive in each one surely means that we are living a successful life....key words LIVING and SUCCESS. I just got through another set of moments and shared my thoughts. Found many things in this week that I can feel success over. Many moments where others reached my heart and made me smile. Many moments where the success of helping others meant more than anything. Moments where I realized that I was tired but not withough a good reason.

I love this life, every second of it. I wish nothing less for each of you, but that you fall in love with your life, because in those minutes is where your success is. Did you smile at someone elses kindness? Or were you the reason they smiled today? Did you solve a problem, or were you the hero in someone elses moment? Did you count your blessings until you lost count? Were you a blessing to someone who was having trouble getting to 10?

I can see where we get caught in believing that success is when we achieve a position, or a amount in the account. I can see where the seeking of power means that we have reached our goal. I see how it happens, but when we don't see that sucess is really in the moments of everyday....we are not really getting all there is out of this life. I don't wait for numbers, amounts or even permission. I have found success...and it happens all the time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finding the joy in life surely means you are successful.

The achievement of anything that you desire must be considered success, whether it is a trophy or money or relationships or things. But if you will let your standard of success be your achievement of joy—everything else will fall easily into place. For in the finding of joy, you are finding vibrational alignment with the resources of the Universe 6-27-11~~~Abraham-Hicks™

Often it has been difficult to feel successful, there always seems to be some aspect of life not quiet up to par. Some little thing still nagging at the I want button. I seldom feel like a failure, but sometimes when I am alone and the thoughts of all that I have yet to acomplish start flooding over me, I have a hard time feeling as if I have it figured out.

Now that is not to say I am discouraged or even for a moment feel that these little disturbances are real, or even a description of reality. They are the left over thoughts that have bound themselves at a cellular level and take many active sessions to completely remove.

I won't say we all have those people in our lives that will tell us often, "that will never work", "you are just playing with a pipe dream", "your not pretty enough to win him" and on and on. But those people have at one time or another been given a moment or more of my time and attention. I heard their negative words and I clung to their beliefs for a time...but no more. I still hear the echos of thier pain, but I try really hard to never listen. Some will never learn that by holding back others they tie theymselves to the negative. Some will never grasp that only when we all are happy for anyone winning that we all will add to our win column. And many will always be trying to force success by taking what belongs to, jobs, belongings, etc. There is more than enough creative energy in this universe for all of us to succeed, but some will always try to force thier beliefs on others instead.

It might even be a good time to slow down and listen to what we are saying to others. If we were listening to someone else and all we heard were their negative words, "it aint gonna work, or I dont have anything to be happy about"---would we want to listen to us? I am not saying that bad stuff is not real, but when you land in it and stay there you give your creative evergy to that which you are upset about experiencing. It's ok to vent and be in the moment, but don't you want to move away from it? If so then make the change in the thought that is about what is what you want it to be. Find something to recall that you are grateful for. Remember a time when things were great and you felt real success. Teach yourself to always find a way to end whatever conversation, thought time, or even self dialog on a happy note. When you turn this direction it works just like a light switch to turn off the negative and gives you a chance to turn your energy to what you want.

Call someone who has a more positive outlook and ask them to tell you how they stay so "flippin positive", and don't just do the lip service. TRY to make your next step an experiment in living in the positive!! Start a journal, each time you feel yourself feeling the bad vibes, go and write it down. But before you are done end it with something good.

Then let it go....after a few days of trying this go back and see if the bad stuff is still there. But remember bad thoughts are really just a habit. We teach ourselves how to think and feel just like we teach ourselves to do anything else and practice makes better...and sometimes perfect.

A few days ago I was visiting with a friend and she was sharing that she has so many people that she sees everyday that never seem to helpful, generous or happy. They seem to drain the life right out of her. So it's time for a little Polyanna therapy---try to end every conversation, thought, or activity on a good note. Just try...or don't, it'sup to you. But when you find joy, even if it is borrowed, a little old, or just pretend you set about your magnet to draw more joy to you.

Find a way to be happy for any good news, even if you wish it were yours. When someone wins we are all better for it, because it means there is positive energy in our lives...and we are seeing the result of that. Everything bad that happens feels like it is the end of us or maybe even the world. But the creative spirit that gave us breath and free will did all this to give us the opportunities to experience our creative power. Success is not in any one thing, job, possession or person. Success is in feeling the joy, and teaching ourselves to find the joy no matter how well it may be hidden or how diffictult it is to see with our crap colored glasses.

I love those who have come into my life to teach me these little lessons of being joy filled and successful. They have made my life, because before I was just existing in the misery of everything bad that had ever happened, recounting and retelling and reliving all that stuff over and over and over again. Making sure to convince every one that I had it worse..WHY? That only set forth the energy to make sure it was!!! I want the success in life, and I WORK to find my joy at every moment that I am able.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's all in the writing.

Whether you find your way in this life with traditional methods of help or if you are able to move past grief and loss with the help of amazing friends and one seriously wordy online venting diary, it makes little difference. Therapy works to move you past the past---and I am miles past it most days.

Its always there to remind me, I am almost 50. I don't have all the traditional things in place that should be getting me settled and ready for my retirement. I am alone...well not really but I am single. As I was reading some posts on facebook today, it was evident that I was having a moment of envy of those who seem to have gotten all they desired out of their first half of life. A good marriage, a good job-career,financial stability and roots that secure them to a great life.

I unfortunatley made some not so great choices with my decisions and also allowed someone else to direct some of the major paths that were all misguided, wrong turns and dead ends. There seems to be a movement or actually two on facebook that follows the opposite ends of a spectrum. One belief is that we should be able to use this media for whatever dissemination of information that we desire, no matter if it is completely accurate or even nearly fair. Others feel that we should only use if for the good stuff and leave the other hidden away for no one to see.

I really do not believe that censorship works, but I do understand both of these trains of thought. But before either is condenmed or appreciated, let me say this... We each have a right to our freedom of speech, but just the same you have the right to delete.

I do not agree that all that I believe or every thought that jumps into my head belongs on the social media broadcast system. But unfortunately not all those who are on my friends list and probably some that are also on yours have the same filtering system in place. They see the value of this media to be in the venting option. They should be able to share whatever bad news they choose. I agree in the right to share, but I don't always feel up to reading. I know too that while it is totally up to you to read or not to does not upset me either way.

My blog has become my venting, but it is gauged by the distance of therapy others are so gracioulsy sharing with me as I move from the pain of a past path. A wrong way that was riddled with bad decisions has lead me to a life that not only honors my beliefs in fairness and honesty, but it also allows me to say I made mistakes. I trusted the wrong person, and it took me decades to become strong enough to step away.

Does that mean that I should rip him a new one everytime I become angry? No not really...but not for the reason you might think. The reason that I share only from my perspective is because that is all that I own. I allowed all that I experienced. I have no one to blame. I attracted and held to someone who never had my best interests at heart, does not make him right but certainly does not make me wrong either.

I have been very blessed over the last several years to have the greatest of teachers arrive as this student was ready to move away from a life not only half lived, but less than half successful. I don't shy away from the facts, and only occassionaly have envy for those who made better decisions. I have a deep faith that as I continue to move towards a life that is about understanding how it really works, good attracts more attracts more love...well it goes on, but you get the gist right? I work on improving me, which in turn works to attract those who are more like me, and like the me I long to be.

I can remember a time when it took all I had to try to be happy, but now it comes pretty easy. Even when others seem to seek me to feel sorry or have sympathy for thier misfortune. I understand that it is their choice and paths they chose that lead them towards the life that they are living. I know too that at any moment they can choose to go a different way. To seek the high road. Now that does not always mean that their path with suddenly turn yellow and become the bricks that lead up to the Emerald City, but it does mean that they will begin to build a momentum that moves them toward more smiles and understanding. Every time we make a decision that is based in ego, revenge or any of those feelings that lead to harming others we set about making the fate our own as well. Understanding how we arrive at the destination also known as crapville will assure that we do not have to return. Blaming others for how we ended up where we are, makes it almost certain we will be living there for a long while. That does not mean that those who would take advantage of us, push us towards doing only what they want or guilting us into making the bad decisions are totally innocent. But when we get totally honest and real with ourselves, we have to find our resposnibiilty in the decisions also. Even giving someone else control does not remove your part in the disaster. It just means you chose to let someone else choose for was still your choice.

I do not look for censorship, nor do I practice sympathy. I decide what I will read and share empathy when it is needed. I am here to help those who seek to find a better road to travel, and to work towards making up for my mistakes. I will never hold back when moments of venting that are about my experience...even if that means it makes someone mad, but I do not seek to harm nor create drama towards anyone, least of all those who created so much of it in my path in my past. I am happy, even when I am not smiling, because I get it. I know that my blog~erapy is helping me....and thats all I need to know.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Feelings are not facts...

Feelings are not facts, they are the warning signs of thoughts when we feel bad and they are the celebrations when we are headed in the right direction. Watch what your feelings are telling you and act accordingly. Search for the better feeling thoughts...find the positive even if it is only that I am not as sad as I once was. It is the only sure way to improve your life .

Its the age old story...I don't feel well, so that must mean something is wrong. I am having an off day so life must be bad. Someone gave me a weird vibe, so they must think I am weird.

It's totally not true and most of the time the feelings are left overs from times when I did not understand that it is always my choice. There is nothing wrong with feeling however you are feeling. The problem lies in when we decide that the feeling has no corrective action. We get stuck. We stay feeling as if we have no other way to feel.

But there is a very simple solution. You can find a better feeling thought. You can work on remembering those feelings that are good. The day when your friends suprised you with a birthday lunch. The afternoon of Everything is Pink day, where every minute was about showing appreciation for me. The moments when my kids remember moms day, mothers day or call just because. Those afternoons where watching the grands makes the good mom feelings come and stay as long as forever.

Bad feelings are just markers of moments that are less than desirable. They are not permanent, punishment or even primary. They are fleeting times that I can hurry along by looking for the better feeling thought. Whether it be a memory of some moment when someone honored my freindship and love for them, or something that I am planning for the future. My feelings can improve by stepping out of my misery to try and improve someone elses situation, by volunteering, donating or surprising them with a moment that honeors the gift they are in my life.

I love that I have learned the are of gratitude for every minute, and every feeling. Because it hurries along the better stuff and those moments can never come soon enough for me. I love too that I have learned how to share the lessons that not only improve my life, but make each and every feeling something I can get through or treasure....depending on which one it is.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Social Networking...originally posted Nov. 2009

There have been a few posts lately that have a negative inference that some of the folks on facebook and probably on other sites are falling into categories of posters that for lack of a better term...are aggravating. I hope that this doesnt always describe me, but I began to think about one of the most formal posts recently which actually sited another article written for another site...and they break the not so flattering traits into 12 descriptions. I must admit when I read them I could see where I could actually at one point or another find myself at least in some part and parcel in several of these generalizations.

I do not want ever to prevent someone from their right to speak, or for sharing just an observation or opinion. I actually love so much the ability to hear so many different views...and then thinking if my position should change on the new information could be one of the reasons I stay awake at night.

But I guess with all the hoopla about what "those" posters might be doing that aggravates some, it got me to thinking....and basically I came up with "so what?"

The control is in each of our hands to have these posts on our page or not...although it might not be comfortable to put a boundary in place---ie delete someone who is causing you is up to you to protect your space whether it be in irl or online...either is the same. I am sure that you probably dont regularly travel to any sites online that you find offensive and probably as well if you have a site that you would'nt care for your children to visit...chances are you have it blocked all together.

So instead of me deciding to be offended or aggravated by those who post pattern is a little different than myself so what...I actually feel, believe and even on some occassions preach...""the fact that we are all different makes this life what it is...if you were all just like me...I seriously doubt we would ever have coffee at 4:30 am...cause I know Im not getting up to make it...I probably have only been asleep for a few hours by then and I know all those like me wouldnt care if there was coffee anyway."

The strangest thing of all is the thought that anyone ever has enough friends...even if they just be online...and if someone is creeping you out then block their access to your site. I dont really mind those folks who dont really know me...IRL, but they post on my site, send donations into our non profit...or even who just tell me now and then to have a nice day.

I like so much that I can see the things in your life that you find important...and also most important those who seem to have a hard time communicating in person...might just take a shot at sharing how tough their life is today, and maybe even though I dont know them as well as some others, maybe I can be one that posts something that helps...even if it is only to say..ME TOO!

My life is crazy busy...(not complaining) I love that I have all the opportunities that I have, for work--helping those we serve, for Gimmee' time--I am entirely in love with those two grands, for new friends--cause who can really ever have enough friends, and for connections---whether it be irl or just online. Each time I read someones post and they share an insight, a gratitude or even just that they are tired...they remind me what this life is all about. It's not about how many toys you collect, or how many breaths you take...its those moments that take your breath(borrowed that from someones post) and its about those lives you touch...and those who make a mark on your heart.

I love my online friends...even if all I ever see of you is your pictures...I LOVE YOU...not in a wierd creepy way, but in a healthy, gosh I hope I can be there for you if you ever need a friend way. I hope too that my posts, notes and comments dont bother you...but in some way they make your online life a little better, funnier or even less aggravating.

thanks...for all you share...and all you do!
