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Sunday, January 2, 2011

My "Life is all about how you handle Plan B" calendar is at least a years worth of blogging...gotta love that !

Plan b-LIfe is all about how you handle plan B--quoting author and artist Suzy Toronto. Her philosophy driven calendar is one of the many wonderful gifts that I received this Christmas. As I have looked at the wonderfully whimsical art, I could hardly keep from absorbing all the wonderful words of advice and encouragement on each months colorgul art page.

She shares that she has always had many of the same common dreams or goals at the rest of us, but often once she realized that life somehow sends us in a direction more geared towards getting us where we are supposed to be instead of where we dream of landing.

I am guilty of gearing my gazes towards happily ever after, but even though I am loving my life, I could have never imagined ending up where I am or the vehicle that brought me here. I had tied my life to someone that I loved, but that proved to be a train wreck waiting to happen over and over for both of us. And I am encouraged every day when I see that not only am I better for moving on, his life seems to be more to his liking as well.

So how have I handled my life-the plan B part? Well through each of the losses, I have found happiness. Through each seperation of persons I cared for I have found peace. I know that I am only beginning to understand how destructive the wrong right persone can be for me. I must admit too that most of those disasters came along because I was livin my life as if Plan A was the only option. Truer to reality, I don't really try to set up a plan A or B, rather I look at each decision as the next step in my life, not the end all be all, but just the next adventure.

I don't want to say I don't believe in happily ever after, I am just loosing the much more naive version of me, and unstanding in the process that while a forever relationship might be the joy of others lives, it wasn't meant to be for least not yet.

I also have come to understand that often disruptive/destructive behavior in others has more to do with their struggle to find their way, than something that is about me. I believe that I can set those boundaries when necessary and I can re-work any partnership that shows promise of being something that would benefit my life, whether it be for joy or purely educational purposes.

I also find that since becoming a person who understands more about how life really works, I also have found that each situation that I found myself in was to the good. I have always come out on the other side for the better. So whether we are living the plan A, B or even C-D-E.....understanding that life is about the journey, not the destination. I work on enjoying each moment, treasuring those wonderful people who are gifts to my days and the rest is just frosting on my cupcake!

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