We have the no cussing rule at work, that doesn't mean I don't know or use cuss words, it just means that as we all serve as examples for those we are trying to encourage and educate, that being a good example means being able to speak professionally while in the work setting. It's not a bad idea, it actually means we are not only being respectful of our work environment, but we are working towards being the best example that we can. But on the other hand sometimes there are only a few words that will fit some given situations. I know that it has taken me years and many episodes of embarrasment as a toddler mimicked my word choice while driving. Only to have he/she repeat me when someone cut us off in the grocery store. I also have tried to replace the ever appropriate well $#!*, with a shux, dang or darn when the little ones are in ear shot and my butter fingers kicked in.
But that is not to say that I don't really, really, really appreciate those who can tell it LIKE IT IS! With all the correct usage of the explitives, and the many explamation and other points thrown in the mix.
But my latest blog find is none-other than my latest Blog hero, even the title while controversial to some, is really quiet appropriate when you think about it. She is merely stating that aggression she would like to take at some well justified moment. Does not mean that she has or ever will act on it...but you know we still have freedom of speech, and to be honest havent we all had those moments when the thought crossed our mind that the act would fit the crime?
If you have a chance drop by her blog and hit a few of the most recent...my current favorite happens to be Jen and she is the author of People I Want to Punch in the Throat and my favorite post of hers to day is http://peopleiwanttopunchinthethroat.blogspot.com/2011/12/over-achieving-elf-on-shelf-mommies.html
And while her blog is sprinkled with some colorful and sometimes harsh words, they tell all too well how many of us feel inadequate when we meet the overachievers, which are a part of the Elf on the Shelf story. I have spent a little time over the last couple of days reading some of her other blogs and I like her, I really really like her. I like how she thinks, enjoy how she takes her thoughts and entertains and I love how she doesnt mince words when she is busy sharing her thoughts. I am sure there have been or will be those who might not enjoy it as much as I do, but I see all things as an option to learn. I learn from everyone, everything, everyday....and I am learning and enjoying her blog as I do most things that entertain me. Who knows I might even learn a few new words, or ways to punch someone without ever laying a hand on their throat.
Thank you for the shout out. I appreciate what you said. You've got me all figured out. I do talk/write like a truck driver, but that's just who I am in real life (unless there are kids in the room) so I figured why change it just because I'm writing it down? The only problem now is my grandmothers can't read my blog and enjoy it. Eh...they're not missing out. Thanks again! I've been getting a lot of requests from bloggers to check out their blogs and give feedback and the beauty of blogs is that we all have our own "voice" so it really doesn't matter. What matters is that you're writing and getting it out there without worrying about what people are going to think. Just be you. Two days ago I had 70 loyal readers and look what happened. You just never know what will hit. Keep writing!