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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

GREAT QUOTES BLOG--its not stealing...its borrowing and then sharing!

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." -- Neale Donald Walsch

I love finding quotes that resonate with me. This one is all about yes, and how we sometimes get ourselves shut down and in a routine to the point where we don't really live we just exist. We get up at the same time, eat all the same foods, say all the same things...and then wonder why life is not so great. Several years ago when I couldnt even find a comfort zone, I began saying yes to everything...some of those decisions were good and some were bad. But because of the mess I had made of my life, I had no directon, did not know who I was and didnt even have an inkling on who I could be. I had disappeared...even though I was physically VERY much here.

This simple little suggesstion from a friend of mine to just say yes until I was sure I wanted or needed to say no, changed everything. I said yes to a new job, yes to new friends, yes to a divorce, yes to changes from every direction. It was all to the good. Because it taught me about living again, and also taught me when to say no.

There are still times when the law of attraction shows me someone that is coming from the past and resonates of my beliefs about myself in that previous life...they are selfish and controlling and mean. But they dont stay long and they are only visiting to remind me that I can say no. They dont even want to stay long because I wont be miserable with or because of them...and well there aint nobody driving this train but me.

It came up in a topic of discussion today at lunch about some people I care about that were all about control and when I decided to say no to those opportunities, they just saw it as a slap. I did not remove my care or concern, I only decided that if was going to be my timethat I was spending out of my minutes then I wanted to get the best value. And hearing over and over again about people I shouldnt like, or places I shouldnt go, or things I shouldnt do...because they were all on their no list just got to feeling too much like my past.

I am not afraid, angry or closed off with any of my friends, past, present or even those that maybe good friends one day. I appreciate all that each person that graces my life brings with them. If I am truely living I understand that each thing that happens can be about a lesson, bringing joy or just something I needed to be a part of. The only regret now is when I have to say no, because I already said yes to something else. What a rough life, fun everyday, honesty at ever moment and more joy filled moments than I can even count. I know that there will always be those moments that will cause me to pause and feel pain, remember grief or even touch on some anger, but I know they only have to be moments. They do not have to be my life, or become a significant part in my life. I know too that each of those wrecks in the past were when I was either not paying attention to driving my train or I had given over the controls to someone who had no business driving for me.

I was doing a few little things in the office today and I stepped out to look at my world, on the refresh going on in our lobby, the changes in staff down the hall, the new smiles, and new things going on all around me and with all my friends and I am proud of us...even though some of the situations mean changes for others, we are all moving forward in our lives, driving our trains...sometimes a little fast and wreckless but in the end we are saying yes, pushing our comfort zone to its limits or busting out of it all together...either way I love our life!!!


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