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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Serendipity~~my definition!!!

Sometimes when life is moving fast and furious, I make decisions that are all based on the theory of "What the Heck, lets give it a shot"? And while some would have me believe that everything needs to have an indepth, well thought out and written plan to be successful, I have a few anecdotes and evidence that might suggest the opposite is true.

Now I am not saying that we should live with out a plan, or an objective to get us to our desitnation. My reason for stating this little different twist is to remind myself that no matter what the plan says, sometimes you just go where the spirit moves you.

This week has been loaded with Serendipity, loosley defined in Webster's as a fortunate accident. And while I have never in my life disagreed with the all knowing interpretive descriptions of words that are forever described in the amazing, all knowing dictionary, I seem to be using this word to describe those moments in life that just don't really come with a label. They are not part of the planning, but are definitely part of the direction. They are not something that we can really say is going to happen, but when I am standing in that moment, nothing would be able to get that smile off my face.

So as I moved from moment to moment in the week after the week after the busiest week of my year, there were many thoughts that had rambled through my brain. I would really like to see "G" so I can ask her about something....and within seconds of thinking this thought, I walked to my car after finishing up with an outing and as I looked out in front of me, she was walking towards me. Now keep in mind neither of us were in a town where we live, work or see each other often. We werent 1000's of miles away from home, but at that moment when I realized just seconds before my brain had uttered the thought of wanting to see her and then there she is---we might as well have been on another planet... hopefully you can get a glimpse of this seredipity. Not only was she walking towards me, her car and mine were side by side and we were there, together, opening our doors, just inches away from each other. We talked, set a time when I could come by to see her....and boom ~~serendipty.

Another little item of interest was to visit with a person who represents a certain business, I had drove all the way to Ft. Worth on a Saturday afternoon recently in hopes I would run into her not had much luck setting up and appt either. It wouldn't have been anyway cause I was trying to plan an accidental, hey fancy meeting you here...see the irony? So just a few days ago, I thought I might try calling again and making it a formal meeting, had the thought process of gee I would really like to see a person from this company and then "BAM" she is standing 2 feet away from me at another totally random moment when I was doing something else. We had a very nice visit, exchanged cards and now "serendiptious moments later" and she and I have a meeting set up.

There have been many moments like this through my life, but for many years I kind of have just dismissed them as coincidence. But now I am beginning to see, understand and believe that I am able to create in this life answers for every question, assistance for every task and light for every darkness.

There was the time when I had been going to a town many miles from my home, the person I was traveling with and I were having a talk about a favorite person in my life. I had not see her in years, but each thought of her has always put a smile on my face. With in a minute we are at an intersection....hours and miles from where either of us lives, and as we cross one of a billion street intersections on this planet, she walks across the street in front of the truck. Not like hey way over there that looks like somebody I know close, seriously serendiptiously 4 1/2 feet in front of my windshied close. I jumped out of the truck, hugged her neck, and we have laughed about that moment every time we have seen each other since.

One of my most favorite moments was many years ago, it was in the heat of a Texas summer, we had been to do our weekly grocery shopping, had our kids in the car and we stopped to let one of the little ones to go to the rest room and to put a little water in our car because it was overheating. Being the young and living on a shoestring kids with kids that we were, neither of us really could have ever predicted what happened next. As I took the little one to the restroom, and the hood was lifted to put some water in the car, the fan belt fell off the car. Not was loose and needed to be replaced, IT FELL OFF! So its hot, we have just spent the last of our paychecks getting groceries to get us through to the next pay day and now we are stranded 20 minutes from home on a Saturday afternoon, with little ones, cold groceries---well anyway. To say that I might have been a little panicked would have been a bit of an understatement. I am not sure if I cried, but my memory now as I revisit this serediptious moment in my life, I remember feeling tears. Within a few moments an older gentleman approaches and asks if we need help, of course we say well yeah we do. He goes to the car looks at the now in pieces laying on the ground fan belt and says I think I have an extra one those in my trunk. I laughed through my tears and said no you don't, and he chuckled and said yeah I think I do. Now I must tell you that not only did we not have similar cars...they werent even made by the same company. But yet this seredipitous angel goes to his car, opens his trunk and pulls out a belt that not only is the same length as the one now in pieces, but has the same number in little white letters on the side. Ok...over the years as I have told this story, the memory of that day and what he looked like, the color and type of car he drove--right down to the funny little white shoes and completely white outfit he was wearing...have never dimmed in my memory.

I could tell countless stories but today was the culmination of many serendipitous moments from one of the most serediptious weeks I have ever had. I won't tell you all of them, but just a few weeks ago I mentioned to someone how I would like to meet someone local, who has similar interests as me, who is an author who could help and direct me on a project that I have been working on for about a year. Guess who I met this morning and who I have a meeting with tomorrow? Yep---the moments just go on and on....a friends new endeavor, and all the ideas to help, guess who I run into? As I am sitting in a meeting this afternoon looking around the room at some of the most amazing people I have ever had the serendipity to meet and thinking about what I admire about many of them, someone walks up and says what they admire in me. I have so many dreams and hopes for the people we serve, and I have met at least three who have offered to help me work towards those goals this week. A wonderful lady that I have known and respected for years and I had a little bit of a disagreement lately. Although I was determined to not let harsh words and actions change how I feel about her, today we both ended up in a wonderful moment and it was as if we had never disagreed about anything. We were instantly back into a mutual caring and respectful relationship and feeling gratitude and pride for a wonderful event and amazing surprise for her that I was blessed to be able to be a witness to.

Over the last couple of years, my life has been filled with seredipty moments and gifted me serendipituos friendships. I am more and more convinced that these people who are amazing, loving, supportive and encouraging are destined to be a part of the this serendiptous life. They are here because as I get closer and closer to my purpose, my mission, and my passion, each person who has agreed to be a part of my success is showing up to gift to me energy and love that will spur me on my way. I am serendipityiously blessed and blissfully happy to be in this moment and in love with this life. My FaoFoc, my Ladies of the Round table, my BFF's, my fellow Lions, my work family, my kids, my grands, and you--you are all my seredipitious blessings, and I can hardly even think any of it has been an accident...its all too perfect to be anything less than a miracle.

Actually as I sit here and work on sharing this bit of blog~erapy I am remembering more and more moments in my recent life history and from my long term memory and my smile is just getting bigger and bigger. How could I ever doubt again the divine hand that is on this life? Mine, yours, ours? Never again....and even some of those moments that did not start with a smile or even a serendiptious moment but more often with pain and misunderstood feelings, they too were about getting to the answers that were meant for me to find. All of them, All the time...All to the good!

There are so many words and sayings that we use and re-use to try and explain these little minor miracles in life, but I think we might just be doing the miraculous part of this journey a disservice by doing so. I completely understand and acknowledge that not every question will be answered by one of these amazing moments, but then I can be happy in anticipation of the answer none the less. I know too that sometimes not getting an answer is really still a resolution to the question. Every prayer is answered, just sometimes the answer is no. Not because we didn't deserve a yes, but a yes was not what would have lead us to the right answer.

So now I am on a mission, to redefine and redo the way we use the word serendipty. I don't really think of these amazing moments as accidents, I think of them as divine meetings at the coincidental intersections of life. They are directed by our hearts desire and fired by our faith in the belief that we are meant to be happy, have the life that we are destined to live and when we are living on purpose can never really miss any way we shoot. I love my serendipity--don't you?

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