Feelings are not facts, they are the warning signs of thoughts when we feel bad and they are the celebrations when we are headed in the right direction. Watch what your feelings are telling you and act accordingly. Search for the better feeling thoughts...find the positive even if it is only that I am not as sad as I once was. It is the only sure way to improve your life .
Its the age old story...I don't feel well, so that must mean something is wrong. I am having an off day so life must be bad. Someone gave me a weird vibe, so they must think I am weird.
It's totally not true and most of the time the feelings are left overs from times when I did not understand that it is always my choice. There is nothing wrong with feeling however you are feeling. The problem lies in when we decide that the feeling has no corrective action. We get stuck. We stay feeling as if we have no other way to feel.
But there is a very simple solution. You can find a better feeling thought. You can work on remembering those feelings that are good. The day when your friends suprised you with a birthday lunch. The afternoon of Everything is Pink day, where every minute was about showing appreciation for me. The moments when my kids remember moms day, mothers day or call just because. Those afternoons where watching the grands makes the good mom feelings come and stay as long as forever.
Bad feelings are just markers of moments that are less than desirable. They are not permanent, punishment or even primary. They are fleeting times that I can hurry along by looking for the better feeling thought. Whether it be a memory of some moment when someone honored my freindship and love for them, or something that I am planning for the future. My feelings can improve by stepping out of my misery to try and improve someone elses situation, by volunteering, donating or surprising them with a moment that honeors the gift they are in my life.
I love that I have learned the are of gratitude for every minute, and every feeling. Because it hurries along the better stuff and those moments can never come soon enough for me. I love too that I have learned how to share the lessons that not only improve my life, but make each and every feeling something I can get through or treasure....depending on which one it is.
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