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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sometimes your'e the windshield, sometimes your'e the bug....

Sometimes I hear a song and no matter how silly or just downright funny it is, it sticks with me. The philosphy behind this one has been a part of my random quips to describe the week, month or even extended amount of windshield time some of my friends and I seem to be having.

I try really hard to remain very positive about all life occurances...sometimes its easier if I can dodge all those speeding buses, but every now and again, one of those not so well meaning people comes barrelling towards me and with the help of someone who means me harm, I take a not so pleasant trip on the windshield of the bus or even sometimes under it.

It can be extremely frustrating waiting out all those bumps and bruises while life pushes me to the next ride. It can also make ones heart sink into the old funks that in the former life felt like they would never end. The difference is now that I understand that I always have a choice and no matter how flattened I am by the splat or beat up the the ride down under, I know that its all to the good. I understand that change is the only option to move me forward. I guess I could try to remain in that old comfort zone for a little longer, but when I finally have made that turn and see light at the end of the tunnel I know that whatever the upheave,l it was necessary.

I know too that most of the time that the changes are no longer because of someone elses deciding for me. I decide those things that help me on my path--and lets just be clear---90% or more of my decisions are always right on. I rarely make those life changing bumbles that take forever to recover from. I don't see geography or job changes as a way to make me feel better and I know that in every job there are days when it feels like I cant do it anymore...but its just that its time for a rest and a little bit of inspiration to get my passion for what I do geared back up and running.

I understand there are many who see my confidence and lack of drama as signs that I don't care. But I have just found that the dramacanes of my past were never helpful nor were they even productive at resolving the issue. The best way to move forward is to tell the story(blog~erapy) make a few humorous remarks about the dumb stuff that others or even myself did to create the issue of the moment and then its time to forgive, learn from and forget whatever this last issue is.

What a difference this makes---but what an aggravation to those who do not understand. I lived the other way---and let me tell you I don't ever want to be that sad again. I know and have been told numerous times by my kids that I cant===or at least shouldnt sing in public-but on those days when its so obvious that whatever is coming at me has its windshield sights set on on direct course to flatten me at 55+, I cant help but belt out a few lines of Wynonna's sometimes youre the windshield, sometimes youre the bug. Come to think of it though, I don't recall ever getting a turn to be the glass that flattens anyone, but that's ok---i can see clearly those who like that position in life...actually I can see right through them. And if that song doesnt help me feel better I can always holler "I need a vacation and Im sure gonna get one"!!!

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