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Monday, July 25, 2011

GOOD!!! is all good!!

Nothing great that happens to you ever takes anything away from me. We are a collective of human doers and when we do good it is good for all. (facebook status 7-15-2011)

Sometimes when being present in one group or another, I notice sometimes that I slip into an old habit. It is allowing that slimey little feeling of envy. I have worked long and hard to be present in each celebration of greatness in this life, whether it is my happy dance, or if I am dancing for you. The laws of the universe say many different things on how the flow of our experience works. One of the hardest laws for some to learn is the law of attraction. While some seem to get a handle on it from birth, others like me take a little more practice to perfect.

What I have come to understand about this universal force is that it takes only the tiniest little shift in belief and practice to see it work. The Law of Attraction says "that" which is likened to itself is drawn. That means if I am working on feeling peace more peace will show up. If I am practicing the art of gratitude more to be grateful for will show up. If I am learning that love is an action that I can decide to make my primary goal, more love shows up. When I seek to be friendly more friends show up. I can write a million and one anecdotes to relate the experiements that I have personally been conducting to prove this right, or I can simply point you to the blogs of 3 years ago.

I can also remind myself that those times when it seemed like nothing in my life "EVER" went right, was because I kept telling the stories of all that went wrong. I can share with you the many times I felt like people I cared about showed little care for me, because I didn't care for myself. I can re-tell all the times I felt like a looser, because I kept believing that all was lost.

I am here to tell you that since the turing of that corner and the fierce determination to make a change my life is not only done a 180, but its also come 180 miles away from that old life. I listen often to friends who are stuck there, and I don't share this to say that your misery is not real. Nor do I want to discount that its hard, horrible and sad. But if I were to do anything for you in your moment of distress it would be to tell you to STOP!! Stop retelling all the stories where you didn't win. Stop sharing how something was unfair, or unjust or even unnerving. STOP! Take a moment to make the tiniest of shifts to another way to see things.

It is often said that it takes 6 weeks to change a habit....I am here to tell you it took me more like six years...but never the less I did it! Now it is more my habit to find the better feeling thought. It is more my habit to play the angels advocate. I am far from perfect, but I am also far from miserable. I know that when those days come and they almost always do, when it seems that everyone's life is going better, that everyone but me seems to be getting what they want, but if you look back to the Law of attraction, that means that you are attracting winners into your life. Not to show you what you didn't win, but rather to share with you the winning. Replacing the habit of envy with a feeling of gratitude to the universe that it is providiing a desire for someone in your energy circle is the most positive step towards you finding those things you want in your life as well.

NOTHING>>>and I mean no thing good that happens for you ever...EVER!!! takes anything away from me!! We are not in a competition. We are all a part of the GOD thing, and he is not punishing us for our mistakes. He has given us the powers and laws. Some will tell us things to distort our understanding, and their lessons are more meant for control. If you find out how amazing, powerful and gifted you are, you may surpass them in your life experience. And you know---I think that would be amazing. To see you win brings winning to my life.

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