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Monday, September 26, 2011

Words to build by!

Do not be discouraged at your humaness, and do not fear change or lessons learned. There will always be those who tear down, build anyway. There will always be those who take, give more anyway. Know that you are meant to be here, learn from imperfect moments and enjoy this life--focus on what you want to see and soon you will. Facebook post September 18th

All to often we let our mistakes define us more than our successes. We forget that it took hundreds of attempts before the first commercially produced light bulbs were available. We barely remember that safety on automobiles was an afterthought. Then of course many might have only seen a phone that hangs on a wall in a museum.

Those ideas of today that seem to come out every day are a culmination of the human spirit and creative juices allowed to run wonderfully rampant. I don't hear "it won't work" much anymore, not that it isn't said--I just don't hear it.

We as a progressive human expression of creative life have embraced change at a whole new level. Builders and designers and inventors are finding ways to make our lives better, more connected and more fun each and every day.

But they are also working towards embracing those moments of humaness to add a gentleness to our society. We, and I mean each of WE are not perfect. We cannot plan the errors out of our days, but we can learn from them. We cannot find a perfect employee, because there is no such animal. We cannot locate the patner without flaws, because we are all still very human.

But what we can do is to teach our children to embrace the human mistakes as opportunities to express their creative problem solving skills. And when the problem is solved, we can also help them embrace the art of forgiveness. Learning first to forgive themselves and then passing that gift off to others will change their reality more than any financial windfall. Learning how to be a graceful human will not only give their spirit a lesson in will assure that their life expressions will be a gift to others all through out their lifetime.

Now when I say forgiveness of others most human moments, I do not mean to give abusers or users free reign in their reality. I mean being able to acknowledge that most mistakes and missteps are merely that. But when someones trampling of your daily life is habitual, it is time to allow that relationship to have a closing, that is also ushered on with forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a gift, most of all to the one who gives it. Because in releasing those angered feelings and moments of contempt for wrongs real or implied, allows the victim to become a victor. It shows that you are willing to move past the past and heal yourself, regardless of the pain. It also assures that you will always be moving forward. Harboring anger for big or even the smallest of mistakes is like taking poisin expecting it to make the person you are angry with sick. Most people who go about their lives creating harm, or dumping their mistakes on others are living such a selfish life that the impact to their feelings is non-existant no matter how angry you may be.

So as you are busy creating your life, allow a building of knowledge, of things, or of projects. Embrace the building of relationships, businesses, and lives. But also take a lesson in building bridges across those moments that seperate us. Those moments of "wish I had done better, but let me fix it now" and "wish you no harm because it was your turn to be human". We are building the world we will all live in....physically, emotionally and forgivingly!!

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