Tamara- Amazing, talented, thoughtful--AMAZING(sorry used that adjective twice...but- well- its TRUE)
I actually had the opportunity to meet Tamara about 6 years ago, and while she had a unforgettable impact on my life, she still has trouble remembering the first blossom of our friendship. But don't hold that against her, I don't! I was still working on understanding who I was and defining what talents and abilities I might bring to the world to not only celebrate me, but would help me to do the most good. Her natural abitlity to make people feel at ease, and think of her as a friend is the stuff that legends are made of. She is creative beyond belief and when she and a few others of our friends are together, there is nothing that I think I cannot accomplish. She is a spark to my gasoline!!
Coralee- beautiful inside and out, wonderful sense of humor, thinks outside all the boxes, and connects others to facilitate their success.
I am always a little surprised when Coralee reminds me that she is really a shy person, because I don't think I could ever see her this way. She was an instant friend and I am blessed each time I have the opportunity to be with her. She is a consumate hostess, a sprite of a red-head that flitters around and sprinkles wonder dust on everyone she connects. I hear people often say that she is their best friend. I actually think she is one of my best friends...but you know she is so wonderful I am trying to learn to share. Her strength and ability to support ALL of those she cares about will some day be the subject of a movie, or a book or both. I am not even kidding. Just a few days ago I was a part of something amazing, that I cannot share here...and again as I watched her sprinkle the fairy dust over all that were present, I became even more enamored of this amazing person who has come into my life.
Tiffany-surprising, talented, beautiful, generous, quirky, my Tiffie!
Ok, sometimes I become a bit jealous when someone else is getting all her time. I have often heard that we care about people according to how they make us feel about ourselves when we are with them. I feel like a Lady-Knight when I am around her. She has a way of assisting me in believing my abilities, some that are still hidden. She is a fierce force to be reckoned with if you violate any of the better known rules of just behavior. When you first meet her you will notice her beauty, but when you get to know her you will see nothing but beauty. Her sharing of life encompasses all that are around her...and her humor, well I'm just not going to share much of that...that part belongs to those who are close enough to experience it first hand. Saying she is my friend not only makes me feel better about myself, it makes me want to be a better friend so that I know that I will always derserve to be a part of her life.
Jane- sharing, blessings, kindnesses, momma bear!
Jane has had an interesting and challenging life, and all that she does often surpises even the busy bees like me. She is a genie at pulling things together...and may have just missed her calling as an event planner. She is the kindest of spirits, but knows how to fight when she needs to. Our friendship is based mostly on our joint work/life...she is a volunteer-parent for COI, and well thats my calling. But I never have to wonder if she will come through. I know that anytime she has been a part of any event or planning she has done her part to make it special. Her kindness towards those we serve is amazing to watch. She cares, deeply about everyone of our clients, and especially for those who cannot always speak for themselves. Her little surprises that she often leaves on my desk, are rarely ever acknowledged, because most of the time she gifts anonymoously, but I know or most of the time believe she left them...or at least it makes me smile to believe she is always thinking of something that she feels will make me smile.
Sue-the yen to my yang, the organizer to my clutter-bug, the friend of each week.
I am amazed each time I have the opportunity to work along side Miss Sue. Her ability to live not only in the organized chaos of events and fundriasers, but to do it with a smile is priceless. She can take any situation and make it better. She holds nothing back and is always one of the last to go home. Her gifts are many and she shares them openly. Even when there are others present that seriously need a swift kick in the reset button, her feathers are never ruffled or even visibly shaken. She allows others to behave however they choose, holding fast to her knowing that anything can be better with kindness and planning. She is uber organized, and often is my hero when things get a little cluttered mid planning stage. She is one of those people who I can tell anything to, confide even those thoughts that I should keep to myslef and I know...believe and trust it is a conversation that will be between us. I hope one day that I can be more organized like her...but until then I am blessed by her amazing talents and I love her.
Bettye strong, honest, caring, FRIEND
I know that Bettye and I became friends because of our desire to promote our entities. But we remain friends because of trust, honor and all things good. I know that no matter what life throws my way, Bettye and I will probably see as the same challenge and attack it like we do any obstacle that stands in front of us. We are both pragmatic, understanding that somethings are just never going to be different, but that doesnt mean we can't find another way to drive around it. She believes strongly that everything should be just and fair, and I think she is a little disappointed as I am when we see that this is not always the case.
Brenda -NEW FRIEND, encourager, honest, real...special
There are times in life when you know someone, and see them and you do the regular niceties and feel that you are "friends" and then one day things change, you have lunch or a moment of sharing, or witness something together and you know that you will never see this person the same again. The real Brenda is the one you get every time you see her. I cannot even tell you how many times I have stood by and watched her lift someone up...its so natural for her. Even when you know that life has kicked her around a bit, you most likely will never see that if someone else needs her. She is a natural born encourager...and time and time again when I have watched her practice this skill, I have looked on as she made a difference in someones life...not just in that moment. She gives others a spark of self belief that is as wonderful as any gift. I am proud to call her one of my new friends.
Nicci -BESTEST friend.
I have always felt such a heavy responsibllity when it came to the rearing of my children. Feeling that it was all on me to make sure that they had a strong foundation of understanding, education and compassion to move to their adult life. I often remember wishing I could have been a little more relaxed, but as I see each of them enjoying, embracing and succeeding at reaching goals in their lives, I know I did the best that I could. I am most grateful also that my oldest has become my best friend. We talk all the time, do things toghether when we can and in general I just love hainging out with her. It never matters if I am having a bad day, a rough week or a great moment, she is always there to be a part of the celebration or the getting over it. As she faces the challenges of life with many of the skills I hoped to share with my kids, and does it with grace and power, I am gifted a bit of self awareness and appreciation of my motherhood life. I feel sense of pride that while I most surely didn't do it perfect, she turned out pretty great in spite of me...they all did. But we have grown so close that I can hardly believe at times that she is anything other than my best friend.
Tonya-inspiring, kind, energetic
She has taken things that have happened in her life and instead of allowing them to bring her down, she has found a way to support others. Her story is remarkable and the gifts that have come to others through her inspiration will be life changing. She makes me want to step out and do more, to find a way to be a blessing to others, because she thinks nothing of working on things that will bless others lives. It just comes natural to her. She is becoming famous quickly in the circles of those who have amazing missions, receiving news coverage and becoming part of an advertising campaign. She is also a wonderful friend to many of my friends...so I love her
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