As always my life is a class room of learning.
Sometimes when you think you know someone, they show you a side you never saw coming. They speak of you in a way that is full of disrespect when none is deserved. They put a twist on the story they tell to hold themselves higher regard with the one hearing the "tale". Its a hard reality.
When it happens the first reaction is often anger, fueled by the ego wielding "how dare they" hurt feelings. It can even bring up those old self talk conversations that remind us we are not good enough and they must be right or how could they say such mean things?
As I have grown in my journey of self-care, loving and forgiving I have learned to allow the hurt to happen, and then seek to regain composure as soon as possible.
Not everyone is versed in loyalty, strength or honesty. And for me that has to be ok. I will never be perfect. I have even stopped trying to be. I have gifted ideas and inspiration freely never asking for credit. I have shared honestly only hoping others would do the same. It just sometimes will have to be that others fall short. I seek to allow them their humanness the same as I do for me.
I know that which I have done with the best of intent. I know my words were shared to give the correct view. I believe that I can only do what is in front of me to do and I must forgive those who do not live by the first seek to do NO HARM rules that guide my life.
Tread lightly those who share words tainted with hate, be careful when you speak in a place that holds no privacy...the walls have ears, and when you share half truths you may just change how someone feels about you forever.